The Harvest

From the moment we are born, we are presented with infinite opportunity. We live in a world where resources, though finite, are rich and multi-faceted. Do not be intimidated by what the world has to offer. Be free to its potential. The world is your oyster. But if you are allergic to shellfish, you are doomed.


Roots are an important part in knowing who you are. We are all the sum of our past experiences, our very definition of self is a culmination of our recent and distant pasts. So always remember where you came from. Its probably where you parked your car.


Inevitably, there comes a time in a person's life where one must face an insecurity and either conquer it or capitulate to it. Make no mistake, facing an insecurity is an act of bravery. It is best to face it head on, wielding the sword of knowledge and slicing through the tentacles that bind you. And once you defeat it, batter and fry the tentacles using a light tempura and serve with cocktail sauce and a squeeze of lemon.


Maturity does not arrive quickly, nor does it boldly announce its arrival at the most opportune moment. It never works that way. Maturity is achieved from a series of moments often spaced out over a lifetime. It is how we all grow, so we must all wait and be vigilant. After all, Rome wasn't built in a day. It was built in Italy.

Open Up

Friendship should never be constructed as an excuse to reinforce your personal beliefs. If a friendship serves only as an opinion reinforcement, you will never grow and see the riches of personal differences. People come into our lives, not to consistently agree with us, but to challenge the capacity of our hearts. So if faced with a friend who disagrees with you, don't close your heart. Try and put yourself in their shoes. And if it isn't a good fit, don't despair. There are 7 billion people on earth. I'm sure a few of them share your shoe size.

The Gift

Life is a gift. Maximize each day with an attitude of good cheer in the company of friends and family. Though life brings hardship and pain, know that life can be lived with an attitude of resilience and cheer. It is better to age with grace than it is to age with anger. And Grace is so much more attractive.


Instead of wondering what this day will bring, switch it around and ask what you can bring to the day. This way you take ownership of your moments, and time becomes less of a master and more of an opportunity. Clothe yourself in the knowledge that you can seize the day and own it. But do wear pants.